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The installation of GDU, necessary power generation units, condensate tanks and other infrastructure has been completed at Ayesha Fields.

The Plant is ready for commissioning. The Joint Venture has applied DGPC for further 2 years’ extension in Badin IV South Phase II Exploration License and in addition regularization of 5 months (due to previous delayed extension).

Govt. approved grant of Phase II in Badin IV North Exploration License ending December 5, 2019.

Joint Venture is geared up to drill further exploratory wells and work is in progress to finalize the location of well(s)


Pakistan Operations

BLOCK NO. 2769-9 (MIRPUR MATHELO) 1030 sq km.

A 254 kilometer seismic program was completed in March 2007 over the Mirpur Mathelo block. The new data have been processed and interpreted, and partners have agreed the location of the first exploration well, Rafay-1, which spudded in February 2009. The well will target the sandstone reservoirs of the Lower Goru Formation, and has a prognosed total depth (TD) of 3550m.

The Mirpur Mathelo Block lies between, and is adjacent to, the multi-Tcf Mari and Qadirpur Gas Fields and the nearby 540 Bcf Miano Field.  Also nearby are the recent Petronas discoveries of Saqib and Rehmat which may contain reserves of over 250 bcf in the same Lower Cretaceous sands which are targeted by the Rafay-1 well.


Project-Pak-Mirpur Mathelo



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